The Arden Blog

Arrietty in the Classroom

December 14, 2010

Bi Jean Ngo, the actress who plays Arietty in The Borrowers, >pharm is also a Teaching Artist for the Arden’s educational program – Arden For All.  Here Bi recounts her…

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Where are they now: Justin Townsend

December 9, 2010

By Courtney Riggar, Production Manager Hopefully this will be the first in a series of blog entries to keep you up to date on what some of our visiting artists…

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The Borrowers Opening Night

December 8, 2010

By Angela DuRoss, Development Director Over 200 kids and their families filled the Arden’s lobby on Saturday evening, greeted by friendly Arden staff  members donning blue Borrowers t-shirts. It must…

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Moon Diary – Entry #1

December 7, 2010

A Moon for the Misbegotten officially starts pre-production this week. While that means our stage manager is in the building (and on contract) for the first time, it does not…

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Children’s Season Begins!

December 6, 2010

By Bryan Kerr, >medicine Arden Professional Apprentice With less than 24 hours between now and our first preview performance of The Borrowers, excitement is running rampant here at The Arden….

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Connecting Research and Practice: Arden Apprentice Attends ASTR Conference in Seattle

November 30, 2010

By Tara Demmy, Arden Professional Apprentice The American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) is a U.S.-based professional organization that fosters scholarship on worldwide theatre and performance, both historical and contemporary….

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Become a Borrower

November 26, 2010

In The Borrowers, the tiny Clock family re-uses everyday  items from the “human beans” that live above their tiny home. Ever wonder what you could make out of things around…

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The Borrowers – Behind the Scenes

November 17, 2010

Creating the big world for the 5 inch tall Clock family in The Borrowers takes a whole team! We’re collecting video and photos of our behind the scenes action to…

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Ghost-Writer – another Teen Company Review

November 2, 2010

By Marykate Purcell Ghost-Writer is a play that is full of drama and comedy. The leading lady, discount Megan Bellwoar (Myra Babbage), prescription is a very good actress who has…

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Ghost-Writer – Teen Company review

October 27, 2010

Starting this year, look we’re having members of Arden Drama School’s Teen Company review our main stage productions. These teenagers have already shown an interest in theatre and the Arden…

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