The Borrowers – Behind the Scenes

November 17, 2010

Creating the big world for the 5 inch tall Clock family in The Borrowers takes a whole team!

We’re collecting video and photos of our behind the scenes action to share with you.

For part of the play, the Clocks live in a boot. How many people would it take to carry something that big? Find out in this short video of our amazing production team had to carrying the boot across 2nd Street in Old City, from our scene shop to our Haas Stage.

Here’s the boot inside the theatre. Can you see Kate and Thomas inside?

Here is The Borrowers costume designer Rosemarie with Scott, Delanté and Bi from the cast. They are looking at the costume sketches, which are colorful drawings of each outfit worn by everyone in the play.

This is a photo of the set model by Lewis, the scenic designer. This miniature version of the set has moving pieces, so you can see what will change on stage during different scenes.

We’ll update this blog post when we have other fun pictures and videos to share! Do you have questions about the play, set, costumes and more?

Leave a question in the comments here and we’ll post the answer!

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