Ghost-Writer – another Teen Company Review
By Marykate Purcell
Ghost-Writer is a play that is full of drama and comedy. The leading lady, discount Megan Bellwoar (Myra Babbage), prescription is a very good actress who has a deep connection with her character. She was very good at staying in character at all times. The leading man, Douglas Rees (Franklin Woolsey), had a lot of power in his voice when he spoke. He did an amazing job! I really like how he portrayed his character. And last, Patricia Hodges (Vivian Woolsey), had such a funny character! She did an amazing job. Patricia’s character had something about her that made her so unique and funny, even in the sad parts of the play. I really liked her performance. All three actors did a great job. The set was very nice. It was simple and interesting. The actors used the space very well.
Ghost-Writer is the story of a writer, his typist, and his wife. The writer is very quiet and doesn’t take the time to see his wife. One night the writer and his typist are finishing a book when, in the middle of his sentence, he falls to the ground dead. The rest of the story is through his typists’ eyes. Ghost-Writer was very well written. This three person play runs until November 7, 2010.
Although I think it is a good play, it did feel long to me. There wasn’t a whole lot going on. However, what was going on was interesting and emotional. There were some sad parts, some happy, and some funny. I would recommend seeing the Ghost-Writer and I would enjoy seeing it again myself. Check out Arden Theater Company in Philadelphia and on line at for more information.
Thank you to the Arden Theater for the allowing me the opportunity to review Ghost-Writer.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Philly Vibe, Arden Theatre Co. Arden Theatre Co said: A member of our Teen Company reviews GHOST-WRITER Hurry! The show closes on Sunday! […]