The Arden Blog

Family Review of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

April 27, 2010

By Bill, Elizabeth and Christina My family and I feel extremely fortunate to have been able to go to opening night of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie at…

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Which Bedtime Story would you adapt?

April 23, 2010

By Matt Ocks, Manager of Institutional Giving The Arden was founded by artists with a penchant for literary adaptation, >cheap and though our evening subscription series has diversified considerably since…

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Opening Night of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, with an audience review

April 20, 2010

For If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, we’ve asked families to write reviews. We’ll be posting them here on the blog throughout the run. Our first review comes from…

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Season Planning 4 – Some (possibly) final thoughts

April 19, 2010

By Ed Sobel, Associate Artistic Director As you likely have seen, we announced our season for 2010-11.  Some of you may be disappointed to see your recommended plays not make…

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Teaching If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

April 15, 2010

By Maureen Mullin Fowler, Education Director For many in the theatre industry, Monday is the day of rest.  No one would think that 8AM on a Monday would be a…

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Drinking Tea at the Precipice

April 14, 2010

By Mark Kennedy, Arden Professional Apprentice Whit MacLaughlin, view director of If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, used a metaphor I loved one day in rehearsal as he was…

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Ode to the Spoon of Grease

April 12, 2010

By Matt Ocks, Manager of Institutional Giving Today may be the start of baseball season here at home, but last Sunday was the end of an era for all of…

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Scaling the set for If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

April 8, 2010

By David P. Gordon, Scenic Designer for If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Having designed 23 previous productions at the Arden (some of them quite complex) I thought creating…

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Advice from the Mouse

April 7, 2010

By Steve Pacek, Mouse in If You Give a Mouse a Cookie My advice to you – in case you ever play a mouse, you should start going to the…

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First Friday, April 2010

April 5, 2010

By Meghan McKeown, Marketing Intern It seems that many things are wrapping up for me lately.  It’s April, >capsule which means I’m finishing my final semester of college, and I…

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