The Arden Blog

Bites, Drama, Access: Endgame

February 26, 2013

by Bryan Kerr, Education Associate It’s no understatement to say that we were curious how our Teen Arden students would react to our current show–Endgame. Since Beckett is more often a…

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World Theatre Day

March 28, 2012

Playwright Rogelio Martinez on the set of our 2011 Season Production of “Wanamaker’s Pursuit” In conjunction with the March 27th international celebration of World Theatre Day, Rogelio Martinez, playwright of…

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The Fen Show!

March 21, 2012

By: Emily Poworoznek, >sickness Marketing Intern In this episode, Fen gives a behind the scenes look at the set of Cyrano. Featuring interviews with Glenn Perlman and Martin Stutzman.

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Student Rush Tickets

March 19, 2012

by Emily Poworoznek, Marketing Intern Hello There, This is my first official blog post on The Arden’s blog so I should probably introduce myself to the readers out there. My name…

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First Friday means great artists and free beer!

March 1, 2012

by Catherine Logan, >here Marketing Assistant My favorite event each month at Arden Theatre Company is “First Friday”. The first friday evening of each month, for sale Old City galleries and…

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Running Numbers: Alison’s “Arden Top Ten”

March 30, 2011

 By: Jessica West, ambulance Associate Production Manager & Alison Roberts, Costume Supervisor  After I figured out my “Arden Top 10”, I started to wonder how my list would differ from…

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Your Ideas for Children’s Theatre – Part 1

May 25, 2010

By Matt Ocks, Manager of Institutional Giving We had great response to the post about “bed-time” stories to adapt a few weeks ago.  Having conducted some research into the titles…

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Giving the Play-by-Play

March 2, 2010

By Matt Ocks, >treatment Manager of Institutional Giving At the Arden we’re having conversations about how best to engage you – the audience – in new work.  (You may not…

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Workshopping New Children’s Theatre

February 8, 2010

By Matthew Decker, Associate Producer The Arden kicked off the month of February by working on a new play called The Flea and the Professor. Flea, cure based on Hans…

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Springtime for New Play Development

January 26, 2010

By Matt Ocks, >medical Manager of Institutional Giving This morning I attended an information session at the offices of the Independence Foundation here in Philadelphia. The Foundation is about to…

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