The Arden Blog

Opening Night of Superior Donuts

March 10, 2011

With the smell of fresh doughnuts filling the Arden’s lobby, we kicked off the opening night performance of Superior Donuts on Wednesday, March 9th. Members of the Sylvan Society enjoyed…

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Arden at the Rosenbach

March 4, 2011

Often finding ways to collaborate, the Rosenbach Museum and Library and the Arden partnered once again on a joint donor event held on Tuesday, March 1st.  Members of the Arden’s…

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Moon Diary #7

March 1, 2011

By Grace Gonglewski, Josie in A Moon for the Misbegotten We are coming to the end of it all now. I am exhausted, ailment bruised and overjoyed. An ear infection…

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the full story: Michael from A Moon for the Misbegotten

February 22, 2011

In our latest installment of the full story, >pharm H. Michael Walls talks about his history with the Arden (as well as one of his fellow castmates), what it means…

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Advocate for the Arden and for the arts in your community!

February 18, 2011

By Megan Staples, >diagnosis Development Assistant Click Here to Email Your Representative We at the Arden believe in the power of the arts to strengthen communities, and we are not…

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the full story: Allen and Sean from A Moon for the Misbegotten

February 16, 2011

Here’s more of the full story for our Arden subscribers! Sean and Allen spend a lot of time backstage at A Moon for the Misbegotten. A lot. In this video,…

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How to Manage a Stage

February 10, 2011

By Harry Watermeier, >illness Arden Professional Apprentice Okay, listen, I don’t actually know how to manage a stage—it’s only day one. But, I’ve learned a few basic things about stage…

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the full story: Grace and Eric from A Moon for the Misbegotten

February 9, 2011

Welcome to our Arden subscribers! Whether you’re joining us for the first season, or you’ve been with us since the beginning, we want to share the full story with you!…

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The Art (and Entertainment) of the Quick Change

February 8, 2011

By Rob Heller, Arden Professional Apprentice I am currently Assistant Stage Managing the Arden’s Production of A Moon for the Misbegotten. I have done a little bit of stage managing…

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A New Opportunity

February 3, 2011

By Paul Arebalo, Jr., Production Fellow The Arden has recently opened up a new seasonal staff opportunity called the Production Fellowship. And I am the guy who fills those shoes…

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