The Arden Blog

On Writing Wanamaker’s Pursuit

May 31, 2011

By Rogelio Martinez, Playwright of Wanamaker’s Pursuit People are always curious to learn how much I know ahead of time when I decide to write a play. To be honest,…

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Family Recipes: Sharren’s Lemon Squares

May 27, 2011

By Ryan Klink, Arden’s Director of Marketing and PR The running joke in my family is that we all only know how to make one thing, and that’s it. And…

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Backstage with Scott Greer

May 26, 2011

Mainstage favorite Scott Greer is currently tackling Arden Children’s Theatre in The Flea and the Professor. While playing a giant singing insect might seem like a stretch from roles like…

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The Flea and The Professor take Old City

May 19, 2011

Inspired by the great buddy comedies before them, The Flea and The Professor spend an afternoon in Old City. Watch the video to see their adventure! You can see these…

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Family Recipes: Carrot Stew

May 18, 2011

In The Flea and the Professor, The Cannibal King, Queen and Princess love their ancient family recipe for slow cooked fancy human. We asked our Arden staff members to share…

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Opening Night of The Flea and the Professor

May 12, 2011

Over 150 kids and their families filled the Arden’s lobby on Saturday, >site May 7th for the opening night celebration of The Flea and the Professor. Kids earned stamps on…

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Arden Theatre Celebrates Children’s International Book Day

April 14, 2011

On Saturday, April 2 the Arden theatre was home for more than 200 kids and their families. We hosted a free fun family event celebrating International Children’s Book Day and…

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Sylvan Society Travels To Washington, DC

April 11, 2011

Members of the Sylvan Society traveled to Washington, DC on Sunday, April 10th to see the Steppenwolf Theatre production of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf at Arena Stage. They enjoyed…

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Opening Night of Wanamaker’s Pursuit

April 7, 2011

On Wednesday, April 6, the Arden opened our final mainstage production of the season, Wanamaker’s Pursuit. Sylvan Society members enjoyed a reception at Ristorante Panorama, one of the Arden’s dining…

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The Full Story: Craig from Superior Donuts

April 5, 2011

In our last visit to the donut shop, Craig Spidle sits down to talk about his experience coming to Philadelphia from Chicago. And hear the secret to his ping pong…

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