The Arden Blog

Ghost-Writer reading with the Sylvan Society

August 11, 2010

Members of the Sylvan Society gathered on Tuesday, August 10th, treat just a week into rehearsals for Ghost-Writer, the new Michael Hollinger play which will kick off our 23rd season. …

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2009-10 Barrymore Nominations

August 3, 2010

Yesterday, the Theatre Alliance of Greater Philadelphia announced the nominations for Barrymores, our area’s awards for excellence in theatre. We were thrilled to receive 16 nominations, covering the full range…

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Under the Sea with Arden Summer Camp

July 15, 2010

Arden Drama School hosted the first week of Summer Camp for our Kids’ Crew in June. We had 44 campers ranging from Kindergarten through 5th grade who had classes each…

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Photos from Bike to Theatre Night

July 7, 2010

The Arden was proud to host our city’s first ever Bike to Theatre Night on Friday, >ambulance July 2.  On this sunny summer night, we had a nice turnout of…

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First Friday, July 2010

July 6, 2010

On Friday, July 2 we had beautiful weather for a First Friday in Old City! We invited anyone to come into the Arden’s lobby to “Create Your Own Sunday, ”…

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Arts Administrators Night

July 1, 2010

On Tuesday,   June 29, recipe we hosted a special Arts Administrators Night at a performance of Sunday in the Park with George. Inspired by the subject matter of the…

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Bill of Sale or Bill of Rights?

June 28, 2010

By Matt Ocks, discount Manager of Institutional Giving June 30th is the end of the fiscal year here at Arden Theatre Company, and the development department is in the midst…

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Bike to Theatre Night

June 24, 2010

Arden Theatre Company presents Philly’s First Bike to Theatre Night! On July 2, ride your bike to the Arden, enjoy valet bike parking, and see Sunday in the Park with…

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Five Points about Sunday

June 23, 2010

By Sarah Ollove, Dramaturg for Sunday in the Park with George Here are five illuminating facts about Sunday in the Park with George and the painting that inspired it. 1)     …

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Everything…Plus the Kitchen Sink!

June 22, 2010

By Mark Cristofaro, Drummer-Percussionist-Noisemaker, orchestra member for Sunday in the Park with George Preparing for a new show is always challenging.  I get the score, look over the music, see…

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