The Arden Blog

What’s Up with Rachel – Introducing our 2013 Resident Playwright for The Writers’ Room

April 2, 2013

Our second installment of The Writers’ Room, >salve our playwright residency program, began last week when playwright Rachel Bonds arrived in Philadelphia from Brooklyn. As we did last year with…

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The right hair for Raisin

April 1, 2013

By Alison Roberts, pharm Costume Designer I had a wonderful time designing the costumes for the Arden Theatre Company’s production of A Raisin in the Sun. I had been looking…

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Opening Night of A Raisin in the Sun

March 27, 2013

Arden friends and artists gathered on March 13 to celebrate opening night of A Raisin in the Sun, Lorraine Hansberry’s classic play directed by Walter Dallas. Members of the Sylvan Society…

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A Raisin in the Sun – Submit your Creative Response

March 15, 2013

In 1925, Langston Hughes wrote his poem Harlem, which begins: What happens to a dream deferred?       Does it dry up       like a raisin in the sun?  …

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One in the Chair, One on his Feet, and Two in the Trash

February 28, 2013

By James Tarte One in the chair, One on his Feet, and Two in the Trash Stuck in a room surrounded by ash.   The one in the chair He…

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Miniature Set Model – Endgame Creative Response

February 28, 2013

By Aron Morgan I was particularly impressed with the set that the Arden’s production team constructed so I decided to recreate a miniature version using several different types of material. This is a…

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Beckett and Call, or, Molly Blooms via Mrs. Joyce – A Creative Response

February 28, 2013

By Don Roberts Chess, and one of them makin a move and now himself lookin over me shoulder as if to see what I am scratching onto this paper but…

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Endgame Pt 2 – Creative Response

February 28, 2013

By Jeremy Lopez *Whistle Blows* “Clov!” *Whistle Blows* “CLOV!” Hamm receives no response from his once dedicated servant. Clov had become fed up with all of Hamm’s orders. He irritated…

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Endgame is Weird, but it’s Cool. A Treatise. – Endgame Creative Response

February 28, 2013

By Sam Wyder Okay, so I heard some people in the audience grumbling about how Endgame wasn’t what they expected. To that I have to say, “This is Beckett. What…

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Sculptural Response – Endgame Creative Response Contest

February 28, 2013

By Christopher Wiener About the piece: My piece is hand thrown and hand made out of terracotta clay. The trashcan is the basis of the symbols that I wanted to…

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