
Ample parking is available near the Arden at a variety of lots and garages, all within a half-mile walking distance of our theatre in the Old City neighborhood. This map shows all currently available parking lots in the area; additional information on subscriber parking benefits and our partner lots is listed below.

Street parking is also available throughout Old City. You can manage length of time and payment for your street parking through the meterUP App. For more information, visit the meterUP website. Or, download the app directly to your iPhone or Android.

Patrons have also told us of their success with several third-party parking apps and websites, including SpotHero and ParkWhiz.

Discount Parking for Arden Subscribers

Discount pricing and applicable usage accurate as of March 13, 2025.
The following parking lots (starred on the parking map included in the subscription mail packets) offer discounts to Arden Theatre Company subscribers:

Park America

210 Filbert St. (lot directly behind the Arden)
$2 off advertised rate*
*With Parking Voucher

Autopark at Olde City

125 S. 2nd St. (garage, 2nd & Sansom)
$2 off the advertised rate*
*Receive validation coupon at our Box Office

Old City Parkominium

233 N. 2nd St. (garage, 2nd & Race)
$11 flat rate*
*With Parking Voucher

Old City Parking

304-310 Race St.  (garage, near 3rd and Race)
$14 flat rate (Tue and Wed only)*
*With Parking Voucher

Strawberry Parking

37 S. 2nd St. (garage on 2nd, near Chestnut)
$14 flat rate (Tue and Wed only)*
*With Parking Voucher

NOTE: You must present a parking voucher to the attendant to receive your subscriber discount. Please ask the attendant for details before parking your car. Discount is determined by parking management and may change without notice. Parking vouchers with rate information are included in your subscription mail packets. If you need additional vouchers, please contact the Arden Box Office at 215.922.1122 or

Other Parking Options

The following parking lots are within walking distance of the Arden, but do not currently offer a discount to subscribers:

Parkway Corp
37 N 2nd Street – directly across 2nd Street from the Arden

Parkway Corp
19 S 2nd Street – 2nd Street, just south of Market

E-Z Park, Inc.
36 S Front Street – Front & Chestnut

Classic Parking, Inc.
21 S 3rd Street – 3rd Street, just south of Market

Other lots and garages associated with other businesses can be accessed as public parking, including the Holiday Inn Express on Columbus Boulevard, the Delaware Riverfront lots on Columbus Boulevard at Market and Walnut, the Bourse garage, and the garages at Independence Mall and the National Constitution Center.