Water by the Spoonful Haiku Contest!

Karina Arroyave as the poem-writing "Haikumom" in the Arden's production of "Water by the Spoonful."
In Quiara Alegria Hudes’ Pulitzer Prize-winning play, Water by the Spoonful, Odessa (Haikumom) Ortiz uses haiku to help manage the chaos in her mind and focus on the present moment.
We want to hear from you! What are you thinking now? What was your response to Water by the Spoonful? Take what is on your mind at this moment and create a haiku of your own!
Contest Guidelines
- Following the guidelines for haiku (three lines following the pattern: five syllables, seven syllables, five syllables), describe what is on your mind at this moment
- Post the haiku on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using #ardenwaterphilly or email them to waterphilly@ardentheatre.org. Post by March 1st for a chance to win:
- First Prize: $200 cash prize & two tickets to opening night of Three Sisters
- Second Prize: $100 cash prize and two tickets to Three Sisters*
- Ten finalists: Two tickets to a performance of Three Sisters.
*excludes opening night
The Arden staff took some time out of their preparation for Water by the Spoonful to create some of their own haiku:
Working together
To make live theater happen
I know I am home.
-Emily (Apprentice)
Pulling and shopping
Creating looks for actors
Nine characters clothed
-Alison (Costumes)
Tech is coming soon.
Build set, hang lights, make costumes.
Don’t forget the props
-Jessi (Production)
Water in a spoon
Addiction and a divorce
Death and forgiveness
-Chris (Props)
Come see great stories
Told by great storytellers.
The Arden Theatre.
-Will (Apprentice)
Water by the Spoonful runs now through March 16th.