The Arden Is…

March 2, 2016

The Arden is more than just a theatre.

Over the next four months, prostate we’ll be sharing with you more of the work that we do, onstage, >recipe in the classroom, and in our community. You’ll hear from artists, staff, students, teachers, donors, subscribers, and community members. You’ll hear (and see!) stories of creativity, teamwork, expression, and adventure.

To kick it off, I’m going to share an amazing new video that was created in partnership with JTwo Films. This video show much of what goes on every day here at Arden Theatre Company – the amazing programs and people that make the Arden thrive.

I’m excited to share this because it gives you a sense of some of the work we do behind the scenes. This video captures the joy that theatre can bring to kids’ lives. It reminds me that our teachers are heroes. That theatre is a place of discovery: of the world and of ourselves. This video reminds me how lucky I am to be part of the Arden community.

We invite you to discover what the Arden is, and tell us what the Arden means to you.




Terry J. Nolen

Producing Artistic Director

Follow the conversation with #TheArdenIs on Arden Facebook, Twitter @ArdenTheatreCo, and Instagram @ardentheatreco.

#Creativity #Teamwork #Expression #Adventure

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