The Arden Blog

Stupid F#@king Bird Review 4

February 26, 2018

“The bird may be stupid, but this is one smart play.”

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Stupid F#@king Bird Review 3

February 24, 2018

“Even if you have never seen The Seagull or pondered the meaning of performance art, Stupid Fucking Bird will captivate you with its unexpected insights into the human capacity for love, misery, and creative…

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Stupid F#@king Bird Review 2

February 24, 2018

Arden Theatre’s cofounder returns with kind-of Chekhovian ‘Bird’ (Posner) has a taste for redoing the classics, but (Stupid Fucking) Bird is a jumbled, highly personalized rewrite of Chekhov. It became…

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Stupid F#@king Bird Review 1

February 24, 2018

“In Aaron Posner’s exquisitely clever adaptation of the play – in a production at Arden Theatre Company that can’t be beat – you get the laughs, too. Lots of them.”

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