Follow Your Dream – A Raisin in the Sun Creative Response

April 17, 2013

Follow Your Dream
By David Kurkowski

You can also listen to this song on YouTube 

This is a finalist in our A Raisin in the Sun Creative Response Contest. From April 17-19 you can visit our Facebook page to vote for this entry to win our grand prize!

11 Responses

  1. Cheryl Georges says:

    I really really enjoyed this song. I pray you win!!!

  2. Lynn says:

    I vote for this song by David Kurkowski. The gospel rhythm, the rhyme of the lyrics, the hopeful message of self-empowerment: all appealing.

  3. Sherman Leis says:

    Follow Your Dream, a beautiful song by David Kurkowski, has my vote.

  4. Herold Klein says:

    reflective, very personal in David’s quiet challenge, that our inner spirit will take us anywhere…as long as we pursue our dreams. I enjoyed listening very much.

  5. Myra Kurkowski says:

    I cast my vote for Follow Your Dream

  6. Myra Kurkowski says:

    I cast my vote for Follow Your Dream. What a beautiful song

  7. Elizabeth Gorczynski says:

    Wow , I love this song !!!!

  8. Paul K says:

    Great song. Perfect expression of the sentiment.

  9. Myra Kurkowski says:

    I love this song. Myra

  10. Tricia Folk says:

    Cast my vote for “Follow Your Dream”. I am not on Facebook so I have to vote here.

  11. Linda & Bob Steenrod says:

    We love the song and count our votes for Dave Kurkowski!!
    We also love Dave, Paula, and Dean. Go go guys!!

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