Finding My Voice: Jamison’s Journey Through Arden Drama School

Jamison in Winter 2024 Arden Drama School classes.
By Jamison Graham
During most of my childhood, I struggled with having speech delays, and difficulty with communication and focus. I always felt that I did not fit in with other kids, who seemed to make friends easily. The feeling of not fitting in weighed heavy on my heart until I enrolled in Arden Drama School in 2023. My first class at The Arden was such a memorable experience! The class I enrolled in was focused on Musical Theatre, where I learned how to perform to various songs from well-known musicals.
We learned how to combine the basics of acting, singing, and dancing, into a single performance. I gained experience in vocal projection, breath control, and character expression. I had such a great experience that I asked my parents to register for the next class, which focused on the acting process and performance. This class helped me explore various acting methods, analyze scripts, break down scenes, and practice performing scenes with partners and individual monologues. I also enrolled in the Shakespeare class, which was amazing because I was able to explore rhythm, stage presence, and improvisation while learning about the history of Shakespeare’s plays. The best part about Arden Drama School, for me, is our grand performances at the end of each season for all of our families!
“Most people think acting is a fun way to pretend you are someone or something else, but in my perspective, acting is about finding your true essence and being brave enough to put yourself out there for the world to see.”
Arden Drama School really helped me because I learned how to feel comfortable moving freely around the stage in front of a crowd of people. I enjoyed learning the fundamentals of working with a partner by studying the Meisner technique, playing ensemble games, and really learning how to react and focus within a scene. I also learned that memorizing your lines can help but feeling the emotion in each of your lines will not only make your character feel more alive, but also more vivid to the audience, and reflect you as the actor. All of the classes are unique and educational in their own way and that’s the key to acting-being versatile.
Most people think acting is a fun way to pretend you are someone or something else, but in my perspective, acting is about finding your true essence and being brave enough to put yourself out there for the world to see. Acting and theater help you manage in an environment where feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable is just the fun of it, and making mistakes will help you develop and mature. Theater is about exploring new possibilities, feeling vulnerable, and most of all enjoying your craft. Overall, to actually tap in and be in the moment you have to become comfortable feeling uncomfortable, and Arden’s Drama School has helped guide me through that difficult process.
“Theater is about exploring new possibilities, feeling vulnerable, and most of all enjoying your craft.”
Sometimes, I still struggle with insecurities, but I’m learning how to become more reflective and apply what Arden has taught me to my personal life. The classes have helped me gain confidence with becoming more social with my peers and in my craft. I sincerely believe that the Arden drama school is beneficial for children and teens because of the amazing teachers and staff at Arden, who encourage the students to learn new skills, build meaningful connections with peers, while providing a safe and fun environment. If you are seeking a stable loving environment that will encourage a love for the arts, and inspire you child or teen to reach their fullest potential then Arden would be an excellent choice.
Edited for grammar and clarity.