Costumes for A Little Night Music

June 14, 2013

By Courtney Riggar, Production Manager

As you may have seen the costumes for A Little Night Music are quite exquisite.  They are the from the genius brain of Rosemarie McKelvey, a costume designer local to Philly who works with us quite a bit.  Perhaps you last saw Rosemarie’s handiwork in our production of Cinderella this past winter.  Early in design meetings Terry made a point of saying “Rosemarie knows how to make everyone look just so sexy.”  A Little Night Music is proof positive of that.

The Quintet of A Little Night Music

Karen Peakes and Countess Charlotte Malcolm and Patti-Lee Meringo as Ann Egerman

Grace Gonglewski as Desiree Armfeldt


We’re not the only ones who have taken notice of Rosemarie’s talent.  She was recently asked to participate in an exhibit at the McNay Art Museum in San Antonio, Texas.  The McNay Art Museum houses the Tobin Collection of Theatre Arts, which is one of the most comprehensive collections of Theatre History materials in the world dating back to 1600.  They were putting together an exhibit called Songs of Social Significance and they were particularly taken with Rosemarie’s designs for our production of The Threepenny Opera.  For the exhibit, they displayed Rosemarie’s sketches along with a few of our complete costumes.  It was a great honor for both Rosemarie and The Arden to be included in this exhibit.  Check it out.


You’ll see Rosemarie’s work here again next year in Parade, and I’m sure in many more productions to come.

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