Teen Arden: Bites, Drama, Access for Cinderella

February 1, 2013

by Bryan Kerr, Education Associate

On January 18th, we had our Teen Arden crew come and hang out for Cinderella. As part of this new program here at The Arden funded by the Albert M. Greenfield Foundation, we invite teens from Philadelphia and the surrounding areas to enjoy a pre-show dinner and games before enjoying our show and a post-show talk with some of the actors.

We had a great turn-out this time and were excited to see their reaction and conversation with Mary Tuomanen (Cinderella), Peterson Townsend (Prince Sebastian), Matteo Scammell (Wolfgang), and the Fairy Godmother (Kala Moses Baxter). Check out some photos from the night…

Photos by Plate 3 Photography

If you know any teens that are intersted in becoming a part of Teen Arden, have them “Like” our facebook page.

Just search Teen Arden. We post all of our news and events there!

It’s as simple as that!

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