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Arden Spring Gala

April 27, 2012

By Angela DuRoss, Development Director

Our 2012 fundraising event, the Arden Spring Gala, took place on Saturday, April 21. Over 100 guests gathered at The Rittenhouse Hotel to honor the inaugural members of the Cornerstone Society: Frederick W. Anton, III, Gerard J. Conway, Sr., Carole Haas Gravagno, and Aaron Posner. These four individuals have been part of the Arden’s story since its founding twenty-four years ago, and their support, connections, contributions, wisdom and guidance have helped us to become the theatre company we are today.


The evening began with cocktails and a silent auction in the swank Cassatt Lounge of the Rittenhouse. Guests then moved upstairs to the ballroom for dinner, where Alex Keiper opened the evening with a spirited rendition of “Life of the Party” from Andrew Lippa’s The Wild Party. Throughout the evening, Amy Murphy and Terry Nolen individually recognized each honoree with great stories of their history with the Arden, as well as fond memories.  Each honoree received a hand-crafted paperweight, modeled after the Arden marquee.   Harkening back to the early days of the Arden, Anne Robinson sang “Song for Old Lovers” from Jacques Brel is Alive and Well, and John Stovicek sang “The Mason” from Working.


The evening could not have been possible without our generous sponsors Harmelin Media, the Independence Foundation, and Karr Barth Associates and Charles and Dr. Mindy Goldberg Rose. Special thanks to Special Events Chair Ronna Hall and the entire Board of Directors for their support as well.  The gala grossed over $89,000 in support of the Arden’s programming.

Here are some photos of the Spring Gala: