Arden Drama School starts the year with Open House Day
By Maureen Mullin Fowler: Director of Education
This past Saturday, the Arden opened its doors up to children and parents for our annual Arden Drama School Open House Day. Fifty-one students and five outstanding Arden Drama School Teaching Artists had a fantastic time teaching and participating in “mini” lessons. Children were split up according to their age (Kindergarteners = Red Group, 1st and 2nd graders = Orange Group, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders = Yellow Group, middle and high school = Green Group) and rotated throughout our theatres and classroom spaces taking classes in Acting, Musical Theatre, Improvisation, Storytelling, and Shakespeare.
It was a day filled with energy and creativity! From learning musical theatre choreography with Liz Filios to playing Boom Chicka Boom with Michael McElroy, children used their imaginations and worked together. Only twenty minutes in length, each session on Open House Day was a chance to sample the different types of classes we have to offer while meeting our dynamic teachers.
After the last session, families came together for a reception, while our Teaching Artists mingled about the crowd answering questions that parents had. Children got a chance to introduce their parents to the teachers who taught the classes they enjoyed the most. The Education Staff was on hand as well as our great Box Officers who handled the long line of parents ordering classes at the end of the day.
It is a new season and this Saturday was just the first of many at the Arden to be filled with children exploring, wondering, learning and having fun! We have a whole year filled with classes for kids in grades K-12. Want to learn more from the teachers you met this weekend? Check out our new website which includes audition tips and favorite games and exercises from some of your favorite Arden Teaching Artists.