Learnings from Inside The Writers’ Room
By Sheryl Bar, Inside The Writers’ Room passholder
In response to our prompt: What are two things you’ve so far as a passholder that you did not already know?
I have learned more than two things as a passholder to Inside the Writers’ Room and expect there are more surprises ahead. I had never really thought about the amount of “science” that is instrumental in making decisions about not only things like lighting and sound but also staging and timing.
[Director Ed Sobel’s] description of the studies on audience response indicate that both the arrangements of the seats and the actor’s position on stage when a laugh line is delivered affect the length and intensity of laughter. I also learned that all involved must have the patience of saints as they have to go over and over and then over again the same territory to make it look right, >shop read right and ultimately remain fresh for each performance.
Previously from Inside The Writers’ Room: Jacquelynne works on her own play, visits The Shaw Festival, and searched for decayed wood.